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1U Flexicash

1U FlexiCash is a new concept that gives you affordable access to private treatment.

Premiums are affordable because 1U FlexiCash doesn’t cover surgery that is readily available from the NHS. Instead, 1U FlexiCash focuses on 126 procedures where the NHS does have long waiting times, such as those listed below.

Benefits at a glance

  • Avoid long NHS waiting times
  • Receive up to £13,000 cash to help find private treatment for any one of the 126 covered procedures.
  • Affordable health insurance cover that allows you to fund private treatment
  • Cheques are paid direct to you

If you can get prompt NHS treatment, you can use the cash sum to help you recover after the operation. You could employ help around the house, pay for aftercare treatment or even take a holiday to recuperate – the choice is yours.

Example premiums

Age 1U FlexiCARE 1U FlexiCASH
25 £12.85 £7.00
29 £14.65 £8.30
39 £22.00 £12.00
49 £30.45 £17.05
59 £45.95 £25.95
69 £63.85 £35.10

Average NHS waiting times

Hernia 149 days
Heart bypass 155 days
Hip replacement 244 days
Cataract surgery
174 days
Knee replacement
274 days
Slipped disc 152 days



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